Journal of Electromagnetic Dominance
Note: Access to the JED archives is a member-only benefit. Sign-in is required.

About the JED
The Journal of Electromagnetic Dominance (JED) is the official publication of the Association of Old Crows (AOC), an independent, nonprofit, international professional association promoting public understanding in the science and practice of EW, SIGINT and related disciplines.
Our mission is to be the "journal of record" for EW and SIGINT professionals in the military, industry and academia. The AOC's 13,500+ members read the Journal of Electromagnetic Dominance (JED) for its intelligent coverage and insightful analysis of news, trends and business opportunities in the global electronic warfare (EW) and signals intelligence (SIGINT) market, including military offensive cyber operations. JED covers all aspects of the market, including airborne electronic attack, self-protection EW systems, and tactical SIGINT programs associated with weapons systems ranging from aircraft to surface ships, submarines, ground vehicles, and satellites. Our readers include military, government and industry leaders around the world.
JED Magazine Archives
January 2015 - Present
Click here for current issues. (sign-in required)
January 2009 - December 2014
Contact the JED Editorial Team with the month/year and the article you’re looking for.
Prior to December 2008
Contact Glorianne O'Neilin with the month/year and the article title you're looking for.
If you are interested in advertising with JED, please download the media planner or contact Shaun Greyling.
If you currently have a subscription or are interested in purchasing a subscription on behalf of a library or organization, please get in touch with Hollann Schwartz.
Editorial Submissions
For any editorial submissions to JED magazine and, such a product press release, product survey submissions, contract awards, people news or general company information, please send them to our JED Editorial Team.
Advertising & Media Brochure
Access the online JED Media Kit.
Contact Us
For more information please contact:
John Knowles
The Journal of Electromagnetic Dominance
(978) 509-1450
[email protected]
Aaron Brand
Editorial Assistant
The Journal of Electromagnetic Dominance
(978) 509-1450
[email protected]
Shaun Greyling
Sr. Account Executive
Naylor Association Solutions
(352) 333-3385
[email protected]
Anthony Land
Sr. Account Executive
Naylor Association Solutions
[email protected]
Chris Zabel
Sr. Account Executive
Naylor Association Solutions
(352) 333-3420
[email protected]
If you have any immediate questions regarding JED, please contact:
Hollann Schwartz
Director of Marketing & Communications
[email protected]