Course Details
Introduction to Satellite Communications | On-Demand Course
Course Length: 12 hours total - delivered across four sessions of 3-hours each.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs): 12
Description: Whether at home making an overseas call, receiving the latest digital weather report on your personal boat or aircraft, tracking a FedEx package delivery time, watching a live sports broadcast from across the globe, or in enemy territory receiving tactical EW data in support of a mission, Satcom plays a critical role in the daily events of our lives. This course will cover the core material required for participants to understand and discuss basic Satcom theory and operations.
Who Should Attend: This course is designed to be a high concepts/low-math introduction to Satcom. It is therefore ideal for anyone desiring a firm foundation in basic Satcom theory, as well as an excellent refresher for those that have been away from the topic.

Course Agenda
- Session 1
- Historical Perspectives/Background
- Satellite Types and Configurations
- Session 2
- Orbits and Associated Communications Impacts
- Launch Vehicles
- Session 3
- Space, Ground, and User Segments
- Satellite Links/Link Equation
- Session 4
- Frequencies and Propagation Impacts
- Survey of Recent Satcom Launches
Course Pricing
AOC Members - $240
Non-Members - $360
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NOTE: Each registration is for one (1) participant ONLY. Distributing your login information or allowing others to participate in this course with you or under your account is grounds for removal from the course without a refund of any kind.
Dr. Patrick Ford has spent over four decades supporting EW, including systems engineering, research, development, ground/in-flight testing, training, and extensive tactical EW experience on surface, subsurface, and airborne platforms. He has presented EW and aerospace training courses around the globe, including both professional seminars and graduate-level courses. He serves as an EW science adviser for the U.S. Navy and is also a certificated Advanced Ground Instructor, private pilot, and commercial UAS remote pilot. Pat received his Ph.D. in Applied Management and Decision Sciences from Walden University, with a Specialization in Naval Warfare Operations Analysis, where his research culminated in the first-ever use of a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) radar on a Group 3 or smaller UAS. He received his Master of Science degree in Space Studies from the University of North Dakota, with a focus on human factors related to long-duration spaceflight missions. A retired U.S. Naval Reserve cryptologic officer, he is one of the few individuals to graduate from both the National Intelligence University Post Graduate Intelligence Program and the Middle Enlisted Cryptologic Career Advancement Program.