Tutorial on Cognitive Electronic Warfare | Pre-Convention Course

Course Details

Tutorial on Cognitive Electronic Warfare | Pre-Convention Course

Course Dates: Tuesday, December 10, 2024 | 1 PM – 5 PM

Course Location: Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center

Course Length: 4 hours total delivered across one session

Description: This workshop will highlight how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used in electromagnetic warfare (EW). AI enables EW systems to respond more quickly and effectively to battlefield conditions with complex and novel emitters.

The tutorial will describe how AI-enabled systems are different from Cognitive systems, and present the implications of this capability on system performance and test and evaluation requirements. It will cover situation assessment techniques for electronic support (ES), including characterization, classification, anomaly detection, and intent recognition. It will cover decision-making techniques for electronic protect (EP), electronic attack (EA), and electronic battle management (EBM), including planning, optimization, and scheduling. The presentation describes real-time in-mission learning, discusses why it is important to learn from a single example, and how to do so. It covers the concepts of managing data on an embedded device, the role of humans, and evaluation approaches to show how a learning system can learn how to handle novel environments.

The presentation is based on the book by Haigh and Andrusenko: "Cognitive Electronic Warfare: An Artificial Intelligence Approach."

Who Should Attend: This workshop is intended for engineers, project managers, and researchers who would like to understand how AI can improve performance of EW systems. The course presents a broad landscape of possible AI and ML techniques, rather than an in-depth analysis of any one technique or problem space.

This workshop will be held before AOC 2024 at the Gaylord National. While registration for AOC 2024 is not required, it is recommended to enhance your overall experience.


Continuing Education

AOC Continuing Education Units (CEUs): 4

IEE Credit Hours: .4 CEU/4 PDH

Please reach out to education@crows.org if you have questions.


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AOC is an approved provider of IEEE CEU/PDH certificates.


  • Cognitive EW Introduction
  • Brief System Walkthrough
  • Impact of AI and ML
  • Hybrid Learning
  • Objective Function
  • Situation Assessment (Electronic Support)
  • Decision Making (Electronic Attack, Protect, and Battle Management)
  • Real-time In-Mission Operations
  • Data Management
  • Test and Evaluation
  • Conclusion


Course Pricing

AOC Members - $500

Non-Members - $600


PLEASE NOTE: Registration will close on 12/2, however, on-site registration will be available.

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Dr. Karen Haigh is a recognized expert in Cognitive Electronic Warfare (EW) and embedded Artificial Intelligence (AI). She is a Fellow of the IEEE for contributions to closed-loop control of embedded systems, and a Fellow of the AsiaPacific AI Association for outstanding achievements in the area of smart homes. Her focus is on physical systems with limited communications and limited computation resources that must perform under fast hard-real-time requirements. She was a pioneer in three different fields that are now common across the globe: autonomous vehicles, smart homes for elder care, and cognitive radio frequency systems. With her co-author Julia Andrusenko, she wrote the book “Cognitive Electronic Warfare: An AI Approach.”

Dr. Haigh is a regular presenter to academic and military communities globally. She is a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems society, and is regularly invited to give keynote addresses at relevant venues. She received her undergraduate degree in Computer Science from the University of Ottawa, and her doctorate in Computer Science (focus in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics) from Carnegie Mellon University.
