Cyber Electromagnetic Activity (CEMA) 2024 Summit

April 30 – May 2 | Aberdeen, Maryland


Theme: EW Overmatch – Reestablishing Dominance in the Electromagnetic Spectrum

The 10th annual CEMA Summit comes at a critical inflection point for Electronic Warfare (EW). After a 30+ year hiatus, the Army is on the cusp of fielding a variety of terrestrial and airborne EW capabilities that will reestablish its capabilities within the electromagnetic spectrum. This summit will focus on the pending delivery of these capabilities in support of multi-domain operations (MDO) under large-scale combat operations (LSCO) conditions, and what research remains to address future threats and achieve an Army of 2040 that is fully equipped with advanced electronic warfare, cyber, signals intelligence, information operations, and other forms of non-kinetic fires, to fully dominate the Electromagnetic Spectrum.


Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG)
Myer Auditorium
BLDG 6000, Combat Drive
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005


U.S. Secret Only and TS/SCI Sessions

This is an Army approved summit Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) will not be authorized at Government expense to local attendees. Travel to attend the summit must be approved and funded by the traveler's home organization. Any questions can be sent to Mike Schwartz and Giorgio Bertoli.



Session Dates & Times

Tuesday, April 30 | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (US Secret Only Sessions)
Wednesday, May 1 | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (US Secret Only Sessions)
Thursday, May 2 | 8:00 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. (US Secret Only Sessions)
Thursday, May 2 | 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (TS/SCI Session)

Sessions will be held US Secret only and up to TS/SCI classification levels.

Optional Activities

Monday, April 29 | 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Welcome Reception- Pick up your summit badge and network with friends and colleagues!
Courtyard by Marriott Aberdeen at Ripken Stadium, 830 Long Dr, Aberdeen, MD

Tuesday, April 30 | 5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Networking Reception
Vandiver Inn, 301 South Union Avenue, Havre de Grace, MD

Wednesday, May 1 | 5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Networking Reception
Bulle Rock Golf Club, 320 Blenheim Lane, Havre De Grace, MD


Online registration is now closed for this event. Onsite registration will be available; however, space is limited.

Summit cancellations must be submitted in writing; telephone cancellations will not be accepted. Please email your cancellation request to Refunds will be issued minus a $75 administrative fee for all paid registrations. No refunds after or for no-shows. Online registration will close at noon on April 23, 2024. Any registration after that time will need to register onsite.


Summit Registration Fees are for US Only and must have proper security clearance and be cleared to attend.

AOC Member | Industry/Contractor | $795*

Non-Member | Industry/Contractor | $895*

Active Government Civilian | FREE**

Active-Duty Military | FREE**

*Meal package and full summit registration included
**No meal package included

Please note: Meal Package is $60 (You may purchase a meal ticket onsite while supplies last). Please contact to add this to your registration.

VIP and Keynote Speakers


LTG Robert Collins

Military Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology


LTG Anthony Hale

Commanding General, Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (G-2)


MG Paul Stanton

Commanding General, Ft Eisenhower and Cyber Center of Excellence 


BG Wayne “Ed” Barker

Program Executive Officer, Intelligence, Electronic Warfare & Sensors (IEW&S)


COL Rett Burroughs

I Corps Chief Information Officer/G-6

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Mr. Pete Don, SES

Senior Technical Advisor, US Army Intelligence Center of Excellence


Mr. Andrew Evans, SES

Director, HQDA G2 ISR Task Force


Ms. Liz Miranda, SES

Deputy Commanding General, United States Army Communications-Electronics Command and Aberdeen Proving Ground


Mr. Steven D. Rehn, SES

Director, Technical Warfare Center/ Chief Technology Officer, U.S. Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER)


Mr. Giorgio Bertoli

Assistant Director, DEVCOM C5ISR Center


Mr. Brian Hinkley

President, Association of Old Crows

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Mr. Michael A. Schwartz

Chief Engineer. Program Executive Office for Intelligence, Electronic Warfare & Sensors



Dr. Connor Awe

Senior Research Engineer, SRI International


Mr. Matthew Banta

General Engineer, DEVCOM Analysis Center (DAC)


Ms. Meghan Bentz

Computer Scientist, DEVCOM C5ISR Center


Dr. Jeff Boksiner, ST

Senior Research Scientist for Electronic Warfare, DEVCOM C5ISR Center


COL Gary Brock

Army Capability Manager, Electronic Warfare, Army Futures Command


COL Jason Cook

G-3, Chief of Requirements, Modeling, and Experiments, FVL CFT


Mr. Matt Copeland

IOEW Branch, CT Division, DEVCOM C5ISR Center


Mr. Robert Creighton

Senior Manager, Peraton Labs


Mr. Liam Dobbins

Computer Scientist, DEVCOM C5ISR Center

CW3 Brian Graf_200x200

CW3 Brian Graf

Senior EW Technician, XVIII Airborne Corps


Mr. Ken Grove



Mr. Christopher Green

Project Manager, Cyber & Space, PEO IEW&S


Mr. Dustan Hellwig

Founder/Chief Strategy Officer, Chesapeake Technology International


COL Danielle Medaglia

Project Manager, Uncrewed Aircraft Systems, PEO Aviation


COL Joseph Minor

Project Manager, Fixed Wing, PEO Aviation


COL Nadine Nally

Army Capability Manager, Cyber (ACM Cyber), Cyber Center of Excellence


Mr. Sean O’Hara

Fellow, Director Machine Intelligence and Autonomy Center of Excellence, SRC Inc.


Mr. Matthew Picerno

Chief Cyber Acquisition Officer, US Army ASA(ALT) Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Data, Engineering, and Software (DASA(DES)



Mr. Daniel Rodriquez



Mr. William Roman

Technical Director, Parsons Corporation


1LT Travis Schwartz

 US Army, 2BCT, 82D ABN Div


Mr. Apurva Shah



Mr. Dennis Teefy

Project Director, Sensors Aerial Intelligence, PEO IEW&S


Mr. Ken Strayer

Project Manager, Electronic Warfare & Cyber (PM EW&C)


Mr. Ryan Tortorich

Peraton Labs


Mr. Christopher Voinier

Chief Engineer, PM EW&C/PdM EWI, PEO IEW&S


Mr. Corey Wolf



U.S. Participation

Clearance requests must be received by April 19, 2024

Security Clearance

U.S. Attendees Only

All attendees representing the U.S. for all sessions, must submit their valid Security Certification via DISS, SMO Code 4VQV8

First Visit Date: 30 April 2024
Last Visit Date: 2 May 2024
POC is CEMA 2024, Email is
Purpose of visit: ATTEND CEMA Summit

This visit request is a stand-alone visit and should be dated 30 April – 2 May 2024. Other time frames will not be accepted.

For questions related to visit requests please contact:

Rosemary Shawkey, CSSO/Security Administrator
6240 Guardian Gtwy, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005

Office: 443 360-6675

Cell: 410 279-3653

*All APG personnel must submit their clearance regardless of current access to the Myer Auditorium


Base Access

If you have a government issued CAC or active/reserve/retired military ID, you will be able to access the base by showing your appropriate identification card.

Each attendee who pre-registered by the deadline will be sent, via email, a CEMA placard to print out and have in your vehicle. If you do not have a CAC card or military ID but are pre-registered for the event, you must present this placard plus a valid state issued driver's license that is REAL ID act compliant to guards at gate 715 to access the base. They will have a list of all registered attendees and will verify you are on this list.

If you are not pre-registered and on this approved list, you must obtain a Visitor Pass (see below).

Visitor Passes 

If you do not pre-register for the event by the deadline and receive the CEMA placard, you must go to the Visitor Center upon arrival in order to obtain a Visitor Pass. Please allow for additional time at the Visitor Center as it does get busy and have a wait time to be seen and processed.


AOC Preferred Hotel (per room availability)

Courtyard by Marriott Aberdeen at Ripken Stadium
Address: 830 Long Dr, Aberdeen, MD 21001
Phone: (410) 272-0440

Complimentary overnight parking; complimentary Wi-Fi; Room cancellation 48 hours prior to arrival.


NFE exhibits and sponsorships are available for educational purposes for attendees to learn about new technologies and developments.

If you are interested in sponsorship or exhibiting at this event, please click here or contact Mr. Sean Fitzgerald,, 703-549-1600 ext 222.

Thank you to the following sponsors for making this event possible.




Small Business