Justification Letter
Justifying Your Attendance
AOC’s International Symposium & Convention provides mission-critical professional development for electronic warfare (EW) and electromagnetic spectrum operations (EMSO) practitioners. The symposium facilitates much-needed discussions for educating warfighters of all branches of service and ranks within those services and vital insights into EW strategies, developments, and new technologies. This critical information obtained at this forum equips attendees with the ability to make day-to-day decisions in their job. Additionally, their knowledge of current and future EW and EMSO issues is critical to National Security.
Every year the AOC International Symposium & Convention is widely attended, and the largest gathering of its type and is the most cost-effective vehicle for en-masse discussions between military, government, academia, and industry. The forum allows unparalleled interfacing between EW program managers, industry, and the warfighter to discuss the background missions, roles, and requirements in detail.
Representation from all military branches, civilian, and contractor personnel is critical to the event, designed to cover EMSO warfighter needs and capabilities from military, government, and industry perspectives. Each service's unique view is vital and represented to provide an overall picture and create maximum benefit to the warfighter.
Attendance at AOC's International Symposium & Convention is mission-critical.
You recognize this value of attending AOC's International Symposium & Convention, but how do you communicate that to those responsible for approving your professional development requests?
We know that travel and training budgets are tight, and it's difficult to get approval to attend events and summits, which is why we're here to help!
We've created a customizable letter just for you!
Tip: There is no cost for full-time government employees and active-duty military to attend the AOC Symposium & Convention. Moreover, AOC targets 25% of our host hotel block at the government per diem rate for government attendees.