Symposium Agenda

Advancing EMS Superiority Through Strategic Alliances and Partnerships

Superiority in the electromagnetic spectrum continues to prove itself as a game-changing capability that provides a decisive operational advantage in conflicts worldwide. Integrating and synchronizing EMS operations in every warfighting domain across the entire range of military operations is a clear imperative for our warfighters. But continued success demands that industry, academia, military, governments, and professional associations form alliances and partnerships to share perspectives and expertise throughout the entire range of the EMS. AOC 2023 provides a collaborative forum to capture the passion of professionals ready and willing to make a difference and directly impact our future.

Classification: Unclassified Distro-A

Agenda as of November 16, 2023

Monday, December 11
8:00–10:00 AM: Opening Keynote Session | Main Stage

Keynote Speaker:
Lieutenant General Matthew G. Glavy, USMC, Deputy Commandant for Information

1:00–2:00 PM: Symposium Spotlight Session: Cyber Warfare in Fleet Operations | Main Stage


Rear Admiral Stephen D. Donald, USN, Deputy Commander, Joint Force Headquarters-Cyber (Navy) TENTH Fleet

2:30–4:00 PM: Symposium Breakout Session: Realizing Joint All-Domain Command & Control (JADC2) | Potomac Ballroom A

The 2016 Mitchell Institute Policy Paper “Evolving Technologies and Warfare in the 21st Century: Introducing the “Combat Cloud” predicted that “Advancements in computing and network capabilities are empowering the ascent of information as a dominant factor in modern warfare.”

The March 2022 JADC2 summary states: “Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) strategy describes the urgent need for a focused Departmental push on actions to empower our Joint Force Commanders with the capabilities needed…across all warfighting domains and throughout the electromagnetic spectrum to deter, and…defeat any adversary at any time and in any place around the globe.”

This session will explore the history, evolution, status and future of JADC2, the latest strategy incarnation in a joint all-domain capstone concept genealogy that has variously included Information Operations (IO), Multi-Domain Operations (MDO), Information Warfare (IW), Information Dominance, Operations in the Information Environment (OIE), Cyber-EW Convergence and the Combat Cloud.

Session Moderator:
Lt Gen David Deptula, USAF (Ret), former Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Headquarters U.S. Air Force (HAF/A2) and current Dean of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies
Session Presenters:
RDML Susan BryerJoyner, Deputy Director, Command, Control, Communications, and Computer/ Cyber Systems, J-6, Joint Staff
Mr. Nick Freije, SES, Assistant Chief Engineer for Mission Architecture, Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWARSYSCOM)
COL Osvaldo "Oz" Ortiz, Mission Command Support Element (MCSE), HQDA G-3/5/7 DAMO-SOM

Dr. Michael Zatman, Transformational Projects Office, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory

2:30–4:00 PM: Technical Briefings | Potomac Ballroom B

Mr. Jeff "Squeel" Kawada, EW Operations/Portfolio Analyst, OUSD (A&S), SPA Inc.
Enabling Access: Space-Based Radar Geolocation/Detection for New Audiences in EW
Mr. Josh Chavez, Product Manager, HawkEye 360
Direct RF FPGAs with Integrated 64 Gsps Data Converters
Mr. Benjamin Esposito, Senior Principal Engineer, Radar/EW Systems Architect, Intel Programmable Solutions Group
Addressing the Complexities of Electronic Warfare for Future Operating Environments

Mr. Mark "Ernie" Gombo, Director, Mission Specialist, Defense Business Unit (DBU), Microsoft

Mr. Dustan Hellwig, Founder/Chief Strategy Officer, CTI

Mr. Michael DiMeo, Lead systems engineer for Space and Airborne Systems, L3Harris

2:30–4:00 PM: Program Manager Briefing Series — Army Programs | Potomac Ballroom C

This session is for stakeholders from government and industry, including the small business community, interested in learning about upcoming procurements, acquisition strategies, and procurement timelines.

This program is open to booth personnel and master pass attendees only - closed to media.

Session Moderator:
Mr. Mike Ryan, AOC Board of Director
Session Presenters:
Mr. Ken Strayer, Project Manager, Electronic Warfare & Cyber
Mr. Dennis Teefy, Project Director, Sensors Aerial Intelligence
COL Brock Zimmerman, Project Manager, Aircraft Survivability Equipment
COL Gary Brock, Army Capabilities Manager, Electronic Warfare

COL Nick Ryan, Director, Army Capability Manager-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ACM-UAS)

Tuesday, December 12
8:00–9:45 AM: Keynote Session | Main Stage

Keynote Speaker:
The Honorable Carlos Del Toro, United States Secretary of the Navy

Vice Admiral Stephen T. "Web" Koehler, USN, Director for Strategy, Plans and Policy, J5, Joint Staff/Senior Member, Navy, United States Delegation to the United Nations Military Staff

10:00–11:30 AM: Symposium Breakout Session: Unlocking DoD Open Systems Architecture (OSA) | Potomac Ballroom B

This session will examine the current state of incorporation of DoD Open Systems Architecture (OSA) standards into weapons and capability development through the acquisition-oriented lenses of implementation, integration, operationalization and sustainment. Leaders from the DoD and Military Services --informed by international and industry partners-- will highlight successes, best practices, and examples of realized benefits. We will also promote a dynamic conversation with the audience regarding significant challenges including barriers to adoption and business model concerns. This session will also feature a unique live CMOSS/SOSA capability demonstration.

Session Moderator:
Mr. Daniel Hettema, Director, Digital Engineering, Modeling & Simulation (DEM&S) for OUSD (R&E)
Session Presenters:
Mr. Christopher Garrett, SES, Technical Advisor, Systems Engineering, US Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC)
Ms. Susan J. DeGuzman, SES, Director, Airworthiness and CYBERSAFE Office (ACO), US Navy Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)
Mr. Seth Spoenlein, SSTM, Assistant Director, Systems Integration Portfolio, Engineering and Systems Integration (ESI) Directorate, US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) C5ISR Center

Mr. Jason Dirner, MOSA Chief Engineer, MOSA Management Office , Engineering & Systems Integration (ESI) Directorate, US Army DEVCOM C5ISR Center

10:00–11:30 AM: Symposium Breakout Session: EMSO Warfighting Opportunities | Potomac Ballroom A

Join us for a dynamic and insightful session on Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO) Warfighting Development, where we delve into the cutting-edge strategies, technologies, and tactics shaping modern military operations. As the electromagnetic spectrum becomes an increasingly vital and contested domain, this session will explore the essential role it plays in enhancing situational awareness, communication, electronic warfare, and overall mission success.

Session Moderator:
Mr. Dennis Monahan, Mid-Atlantic Region Director, Association of Old Crows
Col (Ret) Mendy Erad, Israeli Defense Forces
Mr. Erik Bamford, International Director, Association of Old Crows
Mr. Bryan Clark, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute

10:00–11:30 AM: Program Manager Briefing Series — Air Force Programs | Potomac Ballroom C

This session is for stakeholders from government and industry, including the small business community, interested in learning about upcoming procurements, acquisition strategies, and procurement timelines.

This program is open to booth personnel and master pass attendees only — closed to media.

Session Moderator:
Ms. Lisa Fruge-Cirilli, AOC Past President
Session Presenters:
Col Josh Koslov, Commander, 350th SWW
Col Leslie Hauck, Director, EMS Superiority Directorate, HAF A2/6L
Lt Col Marc Lewis, SML, AFLCMC/WNY System Program Office
Mr. Michael Dostie, Chief Engineer, AFLCMC/WNY
Col Albert “Fonz” Scaperotto, Chief, Weapons Division; SAF/IA

12:30–2:00 PM: Symposium Breakout Session: Advancing EMS Superiority | Potomac Ballroom A

At the AOC Symposium in November 2017, then-Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) General Stephen Wilson announced a bold initiative to “get after” electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) superiority through a focused USAF Enterprise Capability Collaboration Team (ECCT). The Spectrum Superiority ECCT was led by Brig Gen David Gaedecke, who would later become the first Director of the Headquarters, Air Force (HAF) A2-6L Spectrum Superiority Directorate.

This five-year retrospective session will trace the spectrum superiority story arc from 2018 through the present, through the eyes of senior leaders particularly well-positioned to offer critical observations and fresh insights on the history, evolution, current status and future of spectrum superiority. Rich audience participation is highly recommended.

Session Moderator:
Col William “Dollar” Young, (USAF, Ret) PhD, Disruptioneering Expert, SCASD Consulting, Former Commander, USAF 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing (350 SWW)
Session Presenters:
Air Commodore Blythe Crawford, Commandant, Air & Space Warfare Centre (ASWC), United Kingdom (UK)
General Stephen Wilson (USAF, Ret), Former Vice Chief of Staff, US Air Force
Maj Gen (USAF, Ret) David Gaedecke, Former Vice Commander, 16th Air Force and Former Director, HAF/A5L Spectrum Superiority Directorate
Maj Gen David Snoddy, Deputy for Cyber Effects Operations, Headquarters, US Air Force (HAF) A2/6

12:30–2:00 PM: Symposium Breakout Session: Space EW | Potomac Ballroom B

In an increasingly interconnected and data-driven universe, the domain of space has become a pivotal arena for electronic warfare (EW). This captivating session delves into the intricate world of Space EW, where cutting-edge technologies and strategic maneuvers are employed to gain the upper hand in the cosmic battlefield.

Session Moderator:
Mr. Tim Fountain, Global Market Segment Manager, RADAR & EW Aerospace & Defense Market Segment, Rohde & Schwarz
Session Presenters:
Dr. Keith A. Krapels, SES, Director, Space and Missile Defense Technical Center, US Army Space and Missile Defense Command
Dr. Charles Swannack, Joint Electro Magnetic Spectrum Operations Cross-cutting Priority Lead, MITRE
Mr. Samuel Visner, Technical Fellow, Aerospace, Board Chair Space Information & Analysis Center
Dr. Mark Whorton, CTO, Georgia Tech Research Institute

2:30–4:00 PM: Symposium Breakout Session: Joint EMSO Through Electromagnetic Battle Management (EMBM) | Potomac Ballroom A

Over the last decade, we have witnessed a concerted effort to resource, develop, and field new advanced EW systems more sophisticated than ever seen before. These new cutting edge capabilities require a comprehensive framework to support dynamic monitoring, assessing, planning, and directing of Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO). The Electromagnetic Battle Management (EMBM) system is envisioned to do just that and more, providing the advantage of timely decisions from multiple data sources and swift action against our adversaries. EMBM, as envisioned in the 2020 DoD Electromagnetic Spectrum Superiority Strategy (EMS3), will provide a crucial, integrated suite of electromagnetic spectrum-related tools, services and data to assist U.S. combatant command leaders and the Joint Task Force, and serve as a centralized data platform to facilitate real-time situational awareness, coordination, and synchronization of electromagnetic spectrum operations.

This breakout session will provide an overview of the status and future plans on how the DoD, Services and Coalition partners plan to provide Electromagnetic Battle Management (EMBM) capabilities to the warfighter. The session will end with an opportunity for audience Q&A on issues related to how the EMBM strategy will be realized.

Mr. Kevin Laughlin, (Acting) PEO Spectrum, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
Mr. Jair Aguirre, Senior Information Scientist/Professor, RAND Corporation/Pardee RAND Graduate School
Ms. Elizabeth Bledsoe, Army Product Manager, Electronic Warfare Integration (EWI)
Mr. Bret Eddinger, Senior Engineer for Offensive Electromagnetic Warfare, US Army CCDC C5ISR Center
Mr. Bill Flynn, Director Cryptographic, Electronic and Cyber Warfare, OPNAV N2N6W
Col Donald Mammano, Division Chief, USSTRATCOM, US Air Force

2:30–4:00 PM: Technical Briefings | Potomac Ballroom B

Mr. Matt Thompson, Senior Technical Advisor, Association of Old Crows
Generative AI in the EMSO
Dr. Scott Kuzdeba, Chief Scientist, BAE Systems
Advances in RF Machine Learning Applied to Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
Mr. Eric Lentz, EW / RF / ML Systems Engineering, Expedition Technology
Electronic Warfare in a World Populated by Metasurfaces
Dr. Rafael Licursi, Senior RF Antenna Research Engineer, Greenerwave

2:30–4:00 PM: Symposium Breakout Session: Cognitive EW Fight Club | Potomac Ballroom C

Have you ever had a meeting derailed as soon as the word “cognitive” Is brought up? We have too, and it can be frustrating. Many of our seminars, workshops, classes, Q&As, and e-mail conversations have veered off course as colleagues engage in verbal fisticuffs over the true meaning of the word “cognitive” and its implications for Electromagnetic Warfare (EW). For the symposium, we offer an approach for advancing the Cognitive EW (CogEW) debate in appropriate style: a “Fight Club.”

At this breakout session we will host a forum that enables participants to offer perspectives regarding what CogEW is, the technologies that underpin it, mission applications that would benefit, best ways to develop and operationalize capabilities, and challenges to the foregoing. The discussion will be enriched by tapping the proverbial wisdom of the crowd, and potentially begin to converge on elements of a reasonable consensus. Whatever the outcome, we will inevitably learn from each other, help advance the conversation and pave the road towards future more civilized CogEW engagements.

Dr. Chase Harrison, Research Scientist, Georgia Tech Research Institute
Mr. John Rafferty, Research Scientist, Georgia Tech Research Institute
Mr. Brandon Stringfield, Research Scientist & Cognitive EW T&E Portfolio Lead, Georgia Tech Research Institute & TETRA
Session Presenters:
CAPT Dwight Cousins, USN(Ret.), President, Alaire Technologies, Inc.
Dr. Karen Haigh, Cognitive Electronic Warfare Consultant, TRMC
Mr. Vincent Voogt, Senior Research Consultant in the Electronic Defence department of the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO)

Wednesday, December 13
8:00–9:45 AM: Keynote Session | Main Stage

Keynote Speakers:
Vice Admiral Francis Morley, USN, Principal Military Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition)
Lieutenant General (Ret) Lance Landrum, Former 23rd Deputy Chair of The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Military Committee

10:00–11:30 AM: Technical Briefings | Potomac Ballroom B

Mr. Jeff "Squeel" Kawada, EW Operations/Portfolio Analyst, OUSD (A&S), SPA Inc.
Lightweight Shielding Solutions for Platforms and Systems
Dr. Nathan Hansen, CEO, Conductive Group / Electromagnetic Security Consortium
Wideband Dynamic Adversary Activity Detection and Classification in Wireless Spectrum
Dr. Mehmet Vuran, Dale M. Jensen Professor of Computing, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
RNLN: Shaping Operations in a Denied Environment
Lt Cdr Rick Brekelmans, Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN)

10:00-11:30 AM: Symposium Breakout Session: Disruptive Electromagnetic Operations | Potomac Ballroom A

Whether you're a seasoned military professional, a technologist, or a policymaker, this session promises to be a captivating journey into the world of disruptive electromagnetic operations. Expand your horizons, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and grasp the transformative potential of harnessing the electromagnetic spectrum as a tool for strategic influence and disruption.

Session Moderator:
Mr. Dennis Monahan, Regional Director, Association of Old Crows
Session Presenters:
Mr. Zachary George, International Market Development Manager, CRFS Ltd.
Mr. Andreas Roessler, 6G Technology Manager, Rohde & Schwarz
Dr. Mark Spencer, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD (R&E))
Lt. Gen (Ret) John N.T. “Jack” Shanahan, President & CEO, Fermat Solutions

12:00-1:30 PM: Symposium Breakout Session: Multi-National EW Partnership | Potomac Ballroom B

In an increasingly interconnected world, collaboration between nations has become pivotal to address complex global challenges. This session delves into aspects for achieving EMS superiority through partnership, international cooperation and operational collaboration on EW. Join us for an insightful exploration of how multi-national partnerships on EW contribute to the broader landscape of international security.

Session Moderator:
Mr. Erik Bamford, International Director, Association of Old Crows
Session Presenters:
Air Commodore Blythe Crawford, Commandant, UK Air & Space Warfare Centre (ASWC)
Dr. Chiho Lee, Principal Researcher, Agency for Defense Development (ADD) South Korea
Lt Col Marc Lewis, SML, AFLCMC/WNY System Program Office
Col Tomohiko KAKUTA Chief, Advanced Technology Application Section, 2nd Force Structuring Division (Space & Cyber), Defense Planning and Policy Department, Air Staff Office, Japan Ministry of Defense

12:00–1:30 PM: Program Manager Briefing Series — Navy Programs | Potomac Ballroom C

This session is for stakeholders from government and industry, including the small business community, interested in learning about upcoming procurements, acquisition strategies, and procurement timelines.

This program is open to booth personnel and master pass attendees only — closed to media.

Session Moderator:
Dr. James Stewart, Chief Scientist, Spectrum Warfare Systems, NSWC Crane
Session Presenters:
CAPT Dave Rueter, Program Manager, NAVAIR PMA-234 (AEA)
Col Tamara Campbell, USMC, Program Manager, PMA-272, Advanced Tactical Aircraft Protection Systems, PEO(T)/ NAVAIR
Dr. Nathaniel Husted, Chief Scientist, Cyber and EW Technology, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, (NSWC Crane)

2:00–3:30 PM: Closing Symposium Spotlight Session: EMSO in Ukraine and Russia War | Main Stage

Get updated on the EMSO in the Russia-Ukraine War - Join us for an update on the battle for EMS superiority and the impact on progress in the War in the Ukraine. The EMSO situation on the battlefield in the Ukraine have been addressed at AOC symposiums and summits dating back to 2016. Speakers have provided the symposium audiences with formidable insight on Russian EW, Russian wireless C2 capabilities, and the impact of EMSO on the modern battlespace. Use this opportunity to get updated once again so that you can learn from those at the front, and in so stay relevant.

Major General Borys Kremenetskyi, UKR-Air Force & Defense Attache, Embassy of Ukraine to the USA
Captain Iaroslav Kalinin, Chief Executive Officer, Infozahyst LLC/Ukraine Army Reserves
Col (Ret.) Jeffrey Fischer, USAF, Author and Journalist in International Security