Sponsorship Opportunities
Level Sponsorship Packages
HOST SPONSORSHIP | $90,000 Sold Out!
Ten (10) Complimentary Master Pass Registrations
Company name and logo prominently displayed on event promotional materials, signs, brochures, AOC website
One (1) Full-page (with bleeds), four-color ad in the official onsite program (Outside Back Cover)
- Ad size: 5.75 x 8.75 to include 1/8” bleed on all sides / Live area: 5.5 x 8.5
Sponsorship of annual Welcome reception
Sponsorship of Crows' Nest Networking Lounge
Company representative brief welcome address during Opening Symposium Session
Please Note: Host Sponsorship does not include exhibit space and may only be reserved by exhibitors with a minimum of 200 square feet of contracted space.
Four (4) Complimentary Master Pass Registrations
Company name and logo prominently displayed on event promotional materials, signs, brochures, AOC website
One (1) Full-page (no bleeds), four-color ad in the official onsite program
- Ad Size and Live Area: 4.5 x 7.5
Co-Sponsor of Lunch each day (all 3 days)
Please Note: Platinum Sponsorship does not include exhibit space and may only be reserved by exhibitors with a minimum of 200 square feet of contracted space.
Three (3) Complimentary Master Pass Registrations
Company name and logo prominently displayed on event promotional materials, signs, brochures, AOC website
One (1) Half-page (no bleeds), four-color ad in the official onsite program
- Ad Size and Live Area: 4.5 x 3.625 (allows for 1/4” between ads)
Co-Sponsor of Happy Hour Day 1 and Day 2 (first 2 days only)
Two (2) Complimentary Master Pass Registrations
Company name and logo prominently displayed on event promotional materials, signs, brochures, AOC website
One (1) Quarter page (no bleeds), four-color ad in the official onsite program
- Ad Size and Live Area: 2.125 x 3.625 (allows for 1/4” between ads)
Co-Sponsor of Symposium coffee each morning (all 3 days)
One (1) Complimentary Master Pass Registration
Company name and logo prominently displayed on event promotional materials, signs, brochures, AOC website
Advertising & Branding Opportunities
Are you looking to increase your organization's visibility at our event? No problem! We've got a myriad of options at all price-points, so you can make the best decision for your organization and your bottom-line. Click here to view all branding opportunities at this year's event.
Become a Sponsor Today!
For more information on these and other sponsorship opportunities please contact Sean Fitzgerald.
Email: Fitzgerald@crows.org
PH: 703-549-1600 x222