Exhibitor Dashboard

Exhibitor Dashboard

The Exhibitor Dashboard is your planning resource for everything exhibits, providing in-depth information to help you prepare for the 60th Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention, including furniture and material handling information, labor rates, and more. This year we urge you to pay close attention to move-in/move-out dates and times for proper planning.

General Information

Location: The 60th Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention will take place at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center National Harbor, Maryland.

Helpful Links:

Exhibitor Schedule:

 Sunday, December 10  8:00 AM–5:00 PM Exhibitor Move-In
   1:00–6:00 PM Exhibitor Registration
 Monday, December 11 10:00 AM–6:00 PM Official Exhibit Hall Hours*
 Tuesday, December 12 9:45 AM–6:00 PM Official Exhibit Hall Hours*
 Wednesday, December 13 9:45 AM–2:00 PM Official Exhibit Hall Hours*
  2:00 PM–7:00 PM Exhibitor Move-Out


*Booth Personnel have access to the show floor 1 hour prior and after official hours

To request exhibitor move-in starting on Saturday, December 9, please e-mail Cira Fear at fear@crows.org, directly by no later than November 3, 2023.

Official Event Service Partners:

  • Show Management: Association of Old Crows
  • Exhibit Sales: Sean Fitzgerald, fitzgerald@crows.org, 703.608.1799
  • Exhibit Manager: Cira Fear, fear@crows.org, 703.549.1600 x206
  • General Contractor: Audie Exposition Services, Inc.
  • Audio/Visual: Inspire
  • Registration and Lead Retrieval: Convention Strategy Group (aka Blue Skyz)
  • Internet and Electrical: Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center
  • Floral Services: TLC Convention Plant Services
  • Catering: Gaylord National
  • Booth Cleaning Services: Audie Exposition Services, Inc.
  • Housing Block: Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center

Exhibitor Resource Center

Exhibitor Resource Center

The Exhibitor Resource Center is the place to update your company information and details that are linked to the floor plan. Add your company logo, make sure your contact information is correct and submit your print profile by October 13 to be included in the printed program guide at the show.

Exhibitor Happenings

Exhibitor Happenings Form

One of the best ways to guarantee you see the attendees you want to see at AOC 2023 is to invite them to visit your booth at the show! We want to help facilitate this by showcasing your booth through our “Exhibitor Happenings.” We want to know if you have any special events in your booth during show hours. Examples include product release, demo, dessert station, meet & greet, giveaways, press release, etc.

To be included in the listing on the website and app, please fill out the form by November 15. Submissions will be added weekly. We will not be able to accommodate additions after November 15.

Rules & Regulations

Exhibitor Services Kit

Exhibitor Services Kit

Order your booth furnishings, booth banners, and more with the Exhibitor Services Kit, which also includes information on show services, labor rates, drayage/freight handling rates, and more. To order online, you will need your username and password sent via email directly to your booth's primary contact. If you do not have this information, please contact Heather Friscea at heather@audieexpo.com.

Booth Personnel Registration

Booth Personnel Registration is open. If you have not received an email regarding booth personnel registration, please contact Sara Capistrant at sara@blueskyz.com to have it re-sent. Each booth receives four complimentary booth personnel registrations per 100 sq ft of booth space. Any additional registrations may be purchased for $100 each. Booth personnel registration allows one-hour pre- and post-show access to the exhibit floor, the Welcome Reception, main stage sessions, exhibit hall, lunches and happy hours, and the Program Manager Briefing Series. It does not allow access to other symposium sessions.

Program Manager Briefing Series

AOC's highly anticipated Program Manager (PM) Briefing Series returns to AOC 2023. This program focuses on bridging requirements to programs and informing the industry on the acquisition milestone chart for contracting opportunities. Briefers are invited to present specific, unclassified information that is otherwise not publicly available about upcoming opportunities, including projected timelines, rough orders of magnitude for contract size (either personnel or dollar value), preferred or projected contract vehicle(s), setaside status, and comprehensive technical requirements. Each session will offer open questions and answers, allowing participants to seek greater clarity on the details of the upcoming opportunities.

This program is open to booth personnel and master pass attendees only — closed to media.

Learn More

Exhibitor Newsletters

Our monthly exhibitor newsletters help inform you of upcoming deadlines, updates, and tips on maximizing your presence at AOC 2023.

Hotel & Travel Information

Hotel & Travel Info

Reservations in our official hotel block are now available!

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center
201 Waterfront Street
National Harbor, MD 20745

Reservations must be made by Monday, November 20, 2023, in order to secure your room at the heavily discounted AOC rate. Please note that rooms in the block may sell out before this date so book early!

Booking in the AOC block is very important to helping AOC fulfill our contractual commitments and secure future room blocks over competitive dates and at competitive rates.

Hospitality Rooms

A limited number of hospitality rooms are available for rent at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, which may be used for presentations, meetings, dinners, or other networking events, Sunday, December 10, 12:00 PM – Wednesday, December 13, 4:00 PM, with additional rooms available Monday, December 11 – Tuesday, December 12 only. To reserve a room contact Sean Fitzgerald, fitzgerald@crows.org.

Reserve Your Space

Optimize your Exposure


Sponsorship and advertising make an important statement about your company’s role in supporting our industry. Featured sponsors and advertisers demonstrate their positions as industry leaders — regardless of company size. As a sponsor or advertiser, your brand will be elevated at the 60th Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention beyond your standard booth footprint. We are offering level packages as well as event specifics options and tailored branding packages. Plan early for the best availability and exposure.

Get Social & Show Support

Connect with AOC: #AOC2023

It’s never too early to connect with the AOC using social media channels and the official hashtag — #AOC2023. Like, follow, and join the official AOC social media accounts on our social media page.

Don’t forget to download your eBadge and link it to AOC2023.crows.org, the official show page, throughout your website and social media channels.


Exhibitor Booth Presale for 2024

We hope you will be able to take the opportunity to select your booth location for the 61st Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention, at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center on December 11–13, 2024. The initial sales will be for 2024 AOC Convention Sponsors and Island booth holders. Open sales will be for any 2024 exhibitor, regardless of booth size, on a first come first serve basis. The sales office will be located on the exhibit hall show floor in the AOC Crows’ Nest.

The schedule is as follows:

  • Monday, December 11
    • 9:00 AM–3:00 PM | 2023 Sponsors & Island Booth exhibitors
    • 3:00–6:00 PM | Open Sales for all 2023 exhibitors
  • Tuesday, December 12
    • 9:00 AM–6:00 PM | Open Sales for all 2023 exhibitors
  • Wednesday, December 13
    • 9:00 AM–1:00 PM | Final onsite pre-sale opportunity for all 2024 exhibitors & non-exhibitors wishing to become a 2023 exhibitor