Community Business Meetings
The Talent Pipeline: A Conversation About EMS Education, Training and STEM
Wednesday, December 13 | 10:00–11:30 AM | Chesapeake Room 4 & 5
Goal 3 of the 2020 Department of Defense Electromagnetic Spectrum Superiority Study (EMS3) is "Pursue Total Force EMS Readiness." Its objectives include:
- Objective 3.1: Train and Sustain EMS Expertise - The Department will ensure all personnel are indoctrinated and trained at the appropriate level on EMS cover concepts that enable an EMS maneuver concept.
- Objective 3.2: Incorporate EMS Concepts and Doctrine into Formal Education - The EMS Enterprise will routinely engage with formal military education institutions to ensure coursework at all levels includes a wide span of EMS activities and reflects changes as new technology, doctrine and threats emerge.
- Objective 3.3: Evaluate and Track EMS Readiness - Total force readiness in the EMS will be grown, tracked and sustained.
Today, there are education & training activities associated with nearly every organization or element in the Department of Defense (DoD) and Military Services. They address wide-ranging mission needs from Combat Systems Officer (CSO) training to policy, capability acquisition and development, strategy, doctrine, tactics/techniques/procedures (TTPs), EMS modeling & simulation (M&S), test & evaluation (T&E), mission planning and EMS operations (EMSO). In addition, most organizations promote or conduct recruiting and Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) outreach at the secondary school and university levels. While it would be impossible to fully circumscribe the concept space, this session is set up to explore a limited number of topics of interest related to EMS education, training and STEM.